The freely available part of the Silesian Language Corpus consists of 1,102,837 words. That number will grow because all collected texts are 2,001,281 words but acquiring rights to some of them appeared problematic.

The corpus contains 941 documents, the oldest one being the letter written in 1574 by Ambroży Szklŏrz from the town of Ôlesno to the prince of Brzeg, George II. The newest ones are various articles from the website. The shortest document has 67 words and it is a song about the boys of Niezdrowice. The longest document is the fifth volume of the “Duchy Wojny” series by Alojzy Lysko with 82,221 words.

The Silesian Language Corpus and the machine translator have been built by Grzegorz Kulik.

How to cite the corpus: Kulik, G. et al.: Korpus Ślōnskij Mŏwy, Bytōm 2018. Available online:

The Patronite patrons have the status of the corpus’s coauthors. These are (listed alphabetically): Bogodar Bonczar, Piotr Ciążyński, Aleksander Janowski, Paweł Szewczyk i Marek Walorski.

The texts included in the Silesian Language Corpus were added to it with their respective authors’ knowledge and approval.

The Silesian Language Corpus works thanks to the Manatee system created by Pavel Rychlý from the Masaryk University. The user interface works thanks to KonText built and maintained by the Czech National Corpus Institute.

The machine translation tool and its interface work thanks to the Apertium system created by the Alacant University.

The website works thanks to the WordPress.

The content of the website was written by Grzegorz Kulik unless noted otherwise.

The RSS logo was created by the user Jahoe from Wikimedia Commons and shared on GNU General Public License.

The “f” logo belongs to Facebook, Inc.